With every break up, comes the inevitable emptiness - the loss. And the
loss, reminds us of impermanence. Nothing stays the same, no matter how
hard we cling. Try as we might, life is an ever changing, breathing, trans-formative energy. Resistance tends to be futile and regardless of
how you thought it SHOULD BE, you cannot fight the natural flow of the
universe. You cannot fight it because the universe is ALWAYS making
space. It’s making space for you!
Believe it or not, it supports your
highest self. It will create the opportunities (even the sucky ones)
that you need to grow as a person and push you beyond what you thought
you were capable of. Challenge you to purge the dead wood and make room
for new life.
This is no easy task and tends to be horribly
uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable because it’s a new space, a rebirth of
self, an expansion of consciousness. It’s a brand new you and as
difficult as it may seem, the universe wants you to embrace it.
So, this
time around, I’ve decided to embrace change. I’ve decided to make
space. The first place I decided to make space in my new life with this
new version of myself is by
transforming an empty space in my apartment.
Let’s be honest, nothing is
sadder than an empty room haunted by old memories, so, let’s start by
creating new ones!
Behold, the yoga room!