Wednesday, 15 June 2011

A Dare to Grow

A Dare to Grow
This is Ivy. I know, original name right? She is my longest living plant to date. I’ve had her for over a year. You would think she would be fuller, longer and greener but the truth is, I neglect her. In fact, this is about Ivy’s sixth life. Every few months, I stop paying attention to her, she shrivels and just as death is about to take her; I come to the rescue with water, light and love! This is our relationship, a constant death and rebirth. I used to think I was just a plant killer but I’ve come to realize that Ivy’s life very much parallels my own. My plants reflect my spirit and we are usually on par when it comes to the stuff that sustains us. I neglect her the way I neglect myself.
Self love should be an easy task, just like watering our plants but more often than not we let ourselves decline. We start to slope, droop, dry up. In fact, when I see poor old Ivy sitting in the corner looking sad, I instantly reassess my own vitality. Where am I emotionally, spiritually, physically? Have I been nurturing myself with light and love? The answer is usually a resounding no and thus the challenge of reincarnation begins again. I become determined to bring Ivy back to life and within a few weeks her leaves start to grow back with all the lush greenness they had before. It’s truly an inspiration to watch. It always reminds me that life is strong and with just a little love and attention, we can all be born again.
- Namaste

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